The GoElephant Manifesto

Salesforce programs are significant investments for enterprise companies.

As an ambitious and innovative leader, you are constantly thinking about how you might get more value from your Salesforce program.

At GoElephant, we believe something is broken in how we - as an ecosystem - have been approaching Salesforce programs.

Our co-founder and CEO, Kristian, wrote a book to share what he had learned over a decade in Salesforce implementations. As the book was launching, he reflected on what he saw as the biggest challenge preventing companies from maximizing value from their Salesforce programs.

It’s not the sophistication of a solution, not the elegance of an architecture diagram, not the number of certifications of the consultants who build a solution.

It’s adoption, plain and simple.

The other things are important, too. But if you have an advanced solution with pretty dashboards but no one finds it useful, you’re never going to achieve the business results you’re aiming for.

Adoption is a leading indicator of business performance.

You know accurate adoption insights and user feedback is important to be able to improve adoption - and thereby also business performance. You just don’t have a good solution to attack the problem.

The seemingly easiest part is executing adoption-driving activities. The change management “toolbox” is quite well-known. What’s the difficulty with execution? - Available time and resources to execute. This makes it even more important that your adoption-driving activities are the ones which will have the biggest impact.

To maximize the impact of your efforts you first need to understand the state of adoption across your organization to be able to effectively prioritize your efforts. Which which specific business units, regions, countries, functions, or teams need further support the most?

Yet, adoption is always the elephant in the room. But why?

The reason is lack of accurate and consistent adoption insights and difficulty capturing voice of user - at scale.

If you can’t measure and understand something, how can you effectively improve it?

Implementations and continuous improvement is hard work.
Tracking adoption shouldn’t be

GoElephant gives you superpowers to drive transformation and growth through improved adoption.
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